Is your “Big But” getting in the way…

God’s Spirit often inspires pastors to preach about a common theme. It happened again this past weekend. Rose and I heard two different pastors in two different churches preach about the same thing: believing God will use our surrendered life in a way that blows past anything we can accomplish in our own power! Todd challenged us to get our “Big But” out of the way, and see what God wants to do with our 5 loaves and 2 fish. Jerome reminded us that we are in the right place at the right time, and that God wants to use our story as a change agent in our world. My heart resonated with both messages.

So I ask myself…since I believe the message, what am I willing to do to demonstrate my belief? What does my Big But look like? Is there ANYTHING I refuse to surrender to Him? Is there anything holding us back from allowing God to use our stories of failure…and redemption…to glorify our Lord?

Please pray for Rose and me as we open our minds and hearts to our next step…